The Chechen Wolf

ArthurThe Chechen Wolf is a documentary currently in production, being made by the students of Sheridan College – Advanced Television and Film Program. In this documentary, directed by Alexandre Gougeon and produced by Patrick Holmes, we will embark on a mission to explore the life of a young man born with a true fighting spirit. The documentary revolves around the past, the current success and promising future of Arthur Biyarslanov, a Chechen born amateur boxer on his journey to qualify and represent Canada for the 2016 Olympics in Rio.

In the last two years or so, I have become fixated on the world of professional fighting. The visceral spectacle of the fight, and the courage every fighter has to dedicate their life to fighting is truly unique. I think it may have started way back when I was a child watching boxing matches with my father on pay-per view back in the 90’s. It was always the sport that stuck out above the others for me.

It comes down to courage. I could never picture myself in the ring, and i think most people can’t. Its all too vulnerable and dangerous. But that’s the excitement! That’s why I watch it. It truly is a battle of full physical and mental strength.

Hearing about Arthur excited my desire to explore the world of fighting, but to finally meet a person who has completely devoted his life to this world was incredible. Arthur’s journey so far is intense, but the intensity has just begun. The focus and attention on Arthur’s  success through media and articles has given much insight on his story, but I wish to really follow Arthur on his journey to the biggest international sports tournament and show an audience the unique side behind Arthur as an athlete and a man.

Production is going to start extremely soon. In a couple of days, we’re test shooting with Arthur as he trains in the gym. This will give myself and cinematographers Dan and Westin the chance to finally see the movements, routine and environment in person. Its fun to envision a film or idea, but to actually begin is the best part.

In the meantime, crowd-funding and budgeting is integral for the possibilities of continuing the doc and following Arthur’s journey and continuously travelling with him. As of now, strategies and coming into fruition and the potential to expand this to something grander is anticipated. For now, it’s Arthur’s story and identity which needs exploring.

We will follow Arthur’s journey from training to the qualifiers in Argentina in March. In the meantime Arthur is going to Hungary next week for a tournament. Once he is back, the training and filming will begin, and we will dive into Arthur’s world of discipline, strength and determination.



written by Alexandre Gougeon


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